Would you like to know competitors biggest secrets?


Would you like to know how your charges compare with your competitors or how much the average employee sells per month? How valuable would it be to know your competitors margins, their gross profit and how much the owners draw in dividends?

Of course, for private companies, this information is not available to you at Companies House.

However, at Calcutt Matthews, you can ask to have a benchmark review prepared quarterly. Using information from market-leading data providers at no additional cost to you, we are able to compare your results against your competitors.

This is a very powerful means by which you can tell whether the amount you are charging the customer is high enough or is possibly too high.

In our experience, tweaking these figures can massively improve your bottom line and ultimately how much you and your co-owners draw.

Please contact Nick Hume at our office if you would like to become a client and have benchmark included in your service.